Amazing unit from PSL! This is the Rebus unit which looks like a standard rotating barrel unit but features some unique surprises. The light sources are 2 X 120 volt, 250 watt ENH MR-16 bulbs. They are mounted on the back of the unit and are accessible from a panel on the rear. The light shoots through small holes stamped in the sheet metal chassis then through a dichoric color changer. There are 3 different colors for each bulb. The colors are mounted on a long piece of metal that moves up and down making the different colors project. After the color changer the light hit a set of constantly rotating mirror strips. There are 5 for each side creating 5 round beams. FRom the mirrors the light goes through a set of convex lenses to focus the beams. The focused beams this hit the barrel mirrors. The barrel mirrors are sound active and triggered from a microphone inside the top of the unit. The output is a ton of multi colored beams rotating and spinning around the room. Really cool to see it in action! Unit made in Italy.