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Friday, April 3, 2015

PSL Programmi Sistemi Luce Kaos Effect Unit

Another unique fixture from PSL!  This is the Kaos effect unit.  The fixture features a 120 volt, 500 watt EHA halogen lamp located at the rear of the unit.  The bulb sits behind a pin block making a concentrated beam of light.  The light then goes through a constantly rotating wheel with small cutouts which makes a strobe effect similar to how a motion picture film projector works.  Next the light goes through 2 convex lenses stacked on top of each other to further focus the beams of light.  Finally the light reflects off of a sound active rotating dichoric drum that reflects the light back to mirrors in a 180 degree arc. The output is sharp beams of light that move very erratically to the sound of the music.  A super high velocity fan keeps the unit cool during operation.  Great unit made in Italy.

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