This is a Lampo Derby. This is a effect that has been copied and reproduced by many companies (Avenger, Etc.). This is the original that everyone copied. Unit spins 2 bulbs on the inside of the unit to the beat of the music via an internal microphone. The output is an opening, closing and criss-crossing of multi-color light beams. Unit has 2 circuits for operation. 1 for the lamps and fan and a separate circuit for the rotation motor. Bulbs used in this unit are 2 - 36 volt, 400 watt lamps. Unit is a bit heavy since it has a large internal transformer for the step-down of the voltage for the lamps. Thanks George for additional info on this light! Fixture made in Italy.

The name is "derby" this ist the original Derby from Lampo. Many companies copied this and named ist also derby, but lampo was the frist.the same effect wizh two lens rows ist named "lampo apollo"