A complete, self-contained light show! This is a Show Pro Whiz unit. It is a primitive intelligent light with 2 parts. Part 1 is the controller and part 2 is the actual light unit. This is how the unit works. Inside the light unit there is an internal microphone that is controlled by 2 sensitivity and speed knobs. This triggers the 4 motors that are connected to the mirrors. Each mirror moves to the beat of the music. Under the mirrors are 4 - 250 watt, 120 volt ENH bulbs that project through fixed gobos, color filters then out of a convex lens. The lights are controlled from the external controller. A special 5 pin cable connects the 2 units together. Controller has a bunch of functions such as blackout, full on, chase, etc. with adjustments for audio and speed. Unit has an internal microphone for audio pick up. Unit is a little bulky, but does a cool light show. Fixture has 5 motors. 4 for the mirror rotators and 1 for the cooling fan. Unit is made in the United States.
Had one of these in the 90's. Would love to acquire one for nostalgia! Any leads, any info welcomed. smpaLLone@gmaiL.com Thanks-Scott